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Client Testimonials
“I want to thank Hélène for the coaching journey that we took and I appreciate the art, vision and thoughtfulness that she brought to our coaching sessions. Speaking in a visual language and key words has been helpful. I really found the idea of “this is a moment of suffering” and brainstorming ways to practice self-compassion very helpful. Pandemics and difficult life situations, especially when combined, are hard. Hélène is a good sounding board for anyone needing to put things in perspective, especially if visuals help with retention. I know that I will refer back to my notes from our sessions, as there were ideas that will resonate over the next few months and likely become a part of how I deal with things in the future.” – Marie C., Vancouver, BC
“Thank you so much for the wonderful six sessions, I have learned so much and I really saw the changes in me! You are such an amazing coach and I cannot express my gratitude enough :) Hope you all the best and hope you have a great holiday season!”
~ Yue, Vancouver
“Helene is an amazing coach and offered insight into our family dynamic in a way that allowed my children to grow, flourish, and advocate for themselves. She gave us some great tools to add to our parenting "toolbox". Thank you Helene!
~ Diane G, Vancouver, BC
”J'ai eu le grand plaisir d'être cochée par Hélène lors du projet pilote de la SDE ''Bien dans sa tête, dans son corps et dans son entreprise''. Elle m'a vraiment aidé au niveau de la gestion du temps et de mes projets au sein de mon entreprise mais aussi sur le plan personnel. Elle a su me guider en me posant les bonnes questions dès le moment où nous avons pris contact, et ce, jusqu'à la fin de nos sessions. Elle m'a donné les outils dont j'avais besoin pour trouver plus de temps dans mes journées, soit prendre plus de temps personnel pour me soulager de la charge mentale que je portais. De plus, grâce à son coaching, je me suis rendue compte que j'avais déjà les compétences nécessaires pour gérer mon temps. En d'autres mots, Hélène m'a permise de me rendre compte de mes capacités, ce qui est d'après moi le plus beau cadeau que l'on puisse faire à une personne. J'ai beaucoup apprécié son honnêteté et son écoute. Merci Hélène de m'avoir poussé à devenir plus responsable dans ma vie et merci à la SDE pour ce magnifique projet pilote!
~ Mélanie R. de Chez Nous Chez Vous
“Helene has a unique way of getting to know every traits of one’s personality. She has creative ideas, and useful solutions and tools that can be implemented immediately. Helene has helped ease the worries I had both as a woman and a mother. Her compassion and professional help has improved my parenting skills and empowered the woman and mother I want to be.
Her dedication and organizational skills allowed me to reach the goals we set together. She is really passionate and caring and I always felt safe, welcome and supported during our sessions. I would recommend her to any person and / or parents who are looking for help and support. “
~ Anne-Caroline, mother of 2 boys, Vancouver
“Helene was instrumental in helping me identify ways my perfectionism and severe inner critic was getting in the way of my work process, and gave me feedback and tools to help me take consistent action to attain my business goals. She also used diagrams to describe patterns of behaviour which I enjoyed as I am a visual person. She explained ways in which I can use different approaches and techniques to allow me to thrive in business and life, as well as encouraging me to create weekly plans in a more fun, creative manner.
~ Jasper Murphy, Artist & Communications Designer.
“Ce que je ressors des sessions de coach avec Hélène c'est un ensemble "d'outils" qui permet de penser "out of the box" pour se (re)découvrir et s'épanouir. Hélène m'a permis de pousser mes réflexions assez loin, tout en me sentant en sécurité, pour atteindre l'objectif fixé initialement et se sentir préparée à poursuivre le développement. L'ouverture d'esprit dont fait preuve Hélène est contagieuse et donne à penser que tout est possible.
~ Violaine de Vancouver - Cybersécurité
“J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer Hélène à trois reprises pour des séances de coaching offertes par la SDE. Elle a su dès le départ viser juste dans chacune de ses interventions. J'ai appris des outils incroyablement efficaces qui m'aident depuis ce jour autant dans ma vie personnelle que professionnelle. Je recommande Hélène à tout le monde pour son dynamisme, son écoute active, son bagage d'idées et de solutions. Je grandis à chaque fois que je la rencontre.»
~Joannie Gill pour UTAPI Consultants
“The ‘Creative Clarity’ focus session was exactly what I needed!
Helene did great at keeping me focused all through phase one. She was able to make sense of all my contradicting ideas. I love that she explains the concepts with drawings, as it helps with visualizing and feeling. It felt natural to move on to painting. Playing with the concept of The Girl is liberating. There is no wrong and Helene was here to accompany me on the journey. My favourite moment was the conclusion, reflecting on the Painting I made! What we put into light during phase 1, was nuanced by trying to represent it in phase 2 of the session. I kept saying I need structure and when it was time to represent it, I couldn’t put The Girl in a cage! I learned that what I need are landmarks through my day so they can guide me without enforcing a notion of failure. I was able to implement everything we talked about the very next day!”
~ Flavie D., Graphic Designer, Vancouver
“Family life is not always a long, easy and quiet river, there are moments when we feel powerless. We have to accept and find solutions that allow our family to stay grounded and better grow. As we’ve recently arrived on Canadian ground, adjustment is difficult. Parents of 2 children, a 4 and 1 year old, we needed to get external help to better manage our 4 years old son’s behaviour. With Helene we worked on our role as parents, our values, our goals and the vision we have for our family, as well as the harmony we want to have here in Canada. During our sessions we focused on what really matters for us as a family. With some theory input and practical advice and tools, we noticed a tangible change in our son’s behaviour and in our own way of parenting. The coaching style is participative and cooperative. Thank you Helene for your help!”
~ Stéphanie and Thomas Vanderhaeghe
“Working with Helene is like going on an inner journey of self growth, with very concrete results. She helps her clients seek their Truth with kindness. Her vast and diverse experience, combined with her competency in coaching, allows her to employ a myriad of tools that deepen the impact of the client's intention and actions. Whether you value creativity, or more structure, Helene guides you to a place where you can easily access these gifts with more balance. I have started seeing myself in a new light, and have more hope, and confidence, as i create a life of more wholeness. No matter what you choose to focus on during your sessions, you will always leave with the feeling that you are one step closer to your Home.”
~Nihan, Vancouver
“Helene coached me when I needed to plan for a productive sabbatical and regain confidence and momentum in my research and writing. Her support really made a difference for me when I was having trouble getting ready for a big conference. She kept me realistic and focused on concrete goals, was persistent and creative in helping me find solutions, and worked hard to make sure that the coaching was right for me. Even better, she helped me develop tools that I have continued to use frequently. Most importantly, she helped me realize that I needed to work within who I am. Rather than persist in planning and making expectations for some idealized and unrealistic version of who I wanted to be, Helene coached me to recognize what I can do well and to create structures that actually work.”
~Shira, Vancouver
“I worked with Helene for coaching support to help me navigate an important career decision and make some changes in my daily routines. I found her warmth, enthusiasm, excellent listening skills, ability to attune to my experience and ‘get me,’ and her ability to ‘think outside the box’ an excellent fit. In our six sessions together, she helped move my thinking and awareness to a new level and more importantly, encouraged me to become more concrete and clear in my action steps. Helene consistently provided me with experiential tools and resources that I worked with during and between sessions, as well as, post session emails which summarized our work and highlighted next steps. These communications were encouraging, upbeat, and always included a nugget of wisdom. I left each coaching session feeling inspired and with greater clarity about making concrete changes in my life.”
~Michele, Vancouver
“I was impressed by Helene’s breadth of knowledge and personal experiences. She was very well prepared for the workshop and I enjoyed it very much.”
~Audrea, medical student, Vancouver, Canada