Life is Messy and it’s OK
mental health and wellbeing is a continuum
That’s why you can choose workshops that are more focus on mental health and others that are more focus on creativity to contribute to your wellbeing .
If you are looking for individual support or customize workshop, contact me below.
What people are saying…
I would certainly recommend this workshop to other schools and classes. The students really appreciate the observations of the cards, painting the Girl and analyzing their paintings with their peers as a way to talk about emotions. It was really more fun and less intimidating than a typical discussion on this topic. Using sponges and spatulas to paint make the activity more playful, simple and spontaneous. There was no risk that students draw on perfectionism, control and comparison. Even the shyest students or reluctant to talk about their emotions were engaged. Wonderful!
— Melanie Booth teacher, Francophone school Sept- Sommets, BC.
Workshops to choose from …
mental health and well being
with Creativity
my journey
Positive personal and cultural identity
team building
Creative thinking with The Girl Cards
Cultivate your creativity
Let’s talk and create
mental health, well-being and creativity
In this workshop, the participants will experiment with powerful conversations using the Girl tool and creativity with painting!
The Girl cards are a visual and experiential tool that can help identify and communicate thoughts feelings and emotions in a safe way.
The workshop with the Girl cards begins with a focus on learning about emotions, feelings, thoughts and resiliency. Participants engage in dynamic and playful conversations and activities with the Girl cards in small groups.
The second part of the workshop is all about expressing emotions with paint on paper with The Girl support.
During the third part, the group will share all the paintings bringing insightful observations and perspectives to each other's work.
*Please note that is possible to customize the workshop to suit your group. If you want to focus on a particular area I would love to discuss that with you, just let me know!
Experience: No painting experience is required
Who can participate? Open to children, teens and adults.
Numbers: Group size is dependent on space available
Language: English or French
Material: All materials for the painting ( Paints, tools paper etc) are provided
What to wear: Old clothes that can get a bit of paint on them
Duration: 90 minutes - 2 hours max
Online options available
What people are saying…
A big thank for this fabulous tool that you have developed. The workshop that you facilitated at Jules Verne was a great surprise. I really appreciate that we discovered the tool gradually. I could see teenagers’ behaviour changing. When they entered in the classroom at first, they were a bit sceptical and eventually very fast engaged in the activity. It was interesting to see them dialoguing about how to categorizing the cards of the Girl while realizing that images could represent an emotion. Through painting and movements, they understood that emotions are temporary, that it’s essential to understand thoughts that come along and as waves, emotions come and go. Finding a way to express emotions is key. It’s a great way to talk about mental health. Personally, I would recommend this workshop for elementary school too, as we know today how anxiety and mental health issues start early. It was a pleasure to participate to this workshop.
— Roseline Celier, Cultural Ambassador at Francophone School Secondary Jules-Verne, Vancouver
My journey
Grounding Ourselves With Creativity
Sometimes the brain needs a visual reminder that we matter and we are resilient; this validation builds empowerment!
In this workshop, you will create your own piece of 'The Girl' art: it will be based on your values/ strengths and/or personal motto or mantra.
In the first part of the workshop participants will be engaged in powerful conversations to help them identify their key values/strengths and motto with The Girl cards tool.
In the second part, they will get a chance to express themselves on the canvas! Using samples of the girl on paper, you will add your own colours, and words to the canvas to create your anchor. Each time you will see this personal piece of art your brain will connect with the message and reinforce the neuropathway. Through this, your resiliency will grow.
*Please note that is possible to customize the workshop to suit your group. If you want to focus on a particular area I would love to discuss that with you, just let me know!
Experience: No painting experience is required.
Who can participate? Open to teens and adults.
Numbers: Group size is dependent on space available
Language: English or French
Material: All materials for the painting ( Paints, tools paper etc) are provided
What to wear: Old clothes that can get a bit of paint on them.
Duration: 2 hours
Online options available
What people are saying…
I was impressed by Helene’s breadth of knowledge and personal experiences. She was very well prepared for the workshop and I enjoyed it very much.
— Audrea, medical student, Vancouver, Canada
Team building
Experience Powerful Conversations With The Girl Cards
The purpose of this workshop is to connect with one's self and one another through powerful conversations with The Girl cards.
The outcome is to bring awareness, insight, moments of connection and sharing.
Conversations build connections, and in turn, connections build community and resiliency.
Participants will take part in multiple activities with the cards: brainstorming, categorizing, sharing, and storytelling.
Different themes can be chosen to focus on such as:
Mental health topics : emotions/ thoughts/ feelings/stress and well being
Strengths: values/beliefs/culture
Parenting: self-care/boundaries
Who can participate? Open to children, teens and adults.
Numbers: Group size is dependent on space available
Language: English or French
Material: The Girl Cards will be provided
What to wear:
Duration: 90 mins (3 hours if combined with Workshop 1)
Online options available
What people are saying…
I used The Girl card deck in the library with K to 3 students. In general, they spontaneously connect with the Girl. We often co-construct meanings and activities depending on what is happening in our day. The Girl cards are so versatile they can be used in a myriad way: to develop conversations skills, reflect on our feelings, or to move in the space. Besides, with its unparalleled artistic dimension, I welcome a tool that uniquely enriches children’s visual realm.
— Nathalie, teacher librarian, Vancouver
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